Sunday, January 18, 2009


Listening to Sherwood
Apparently feels as if this band is a good match for me? And why is that? Because they happen to be a bunch of sentimental guys with guitars, short hair, and fitted blazers? Ha, they're not too bad. Makes me feel about what I'm going to do with my music. I saw City and Colour the other day at the Bowery Ballroom. Alone actually. Which isn't actually all that bad to do.
Perhaps thats maturity.
Being able to go places by yourself, with only the company of your own head. I think it takes a lot to grow accustomed to the voice in your head and to actually enjoy it's company. Well, Dallas Green had the most amazing voice ever, as usual. He has three other scraggly guys in his band now? I remember just listening to him when it was him, an acoustic, and boiling talent. I mean, normally I would be really dissapointed because sometimes it's really difficult to find complimenting sounds to work with. Trust me I know. A lot goes into account. Personality, stubbornness, talent, determination, resources, flexibility and compatibility. That's probably why it's taking me so long to find someone to play with.
That and my nervousness.
Which is definately going to get in the way of playing shows and such haha. I mean rock band can only bring my confidence level up but so much. Even when new people come around to hear Toshiya's Tumor play(Osiris, Theresa and my band in rockband lol), I feel my throat clam up a bit. Gawd... Gotta get over this somehow. I think there's a lot of confidence issues I've gotta get over still. I mean yeah, I can finally go places by myself and still enjoy myself. But that probably should have happened two years ago.

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